Uffizi Gallery in Florence
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If you decide to take a trip to Tuscany, Florance is definitely a destiantion not to be missed.
Florance is full of works to observe but surely, oneof the most is the Uffizi Gallery.
The Uffizi Gallery is a museum that also includes the Vasari corridor, the collection of Palazzo Pitti
and teh Boboli Gardens which together constitute one of the most important museums in the world.
The Uffizi Gallery collects the largest collection of works by Raffaello and Botticelli and various nuclei
of works belonging to Giotto, Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci and other great Italian and European historical figures.
At Palazzo Pitti there are works of the sixteenth century and the baroque but there also works dating back to the 800′ and 900′.
The museum presents a priceless collection inherited from the Medici collection.
The museum is structured in several rooms, divided in cornological order.
To reach Florenz it is possible to use the train starting from the station of Pietrasanta not far from
the B&B Miami Beach, or you can go by car to fully appreciate the Tuscan landscape characterized by hills of vineyards and sunflowers.
For the new anti-covid19 provisions the green pass is MANDATORY to enter the museum.