The Palio dei Micci
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The Palio dei Micci is most folkloristic event in Versilia.
First edition dates backt to 1956 and is held on the fist Sundey of may.
The event takes place at the Buon Riposo stadium in Pozzi, a town in the municipality of Seravezza.
Eight districts participate in the Palio, each belonging to a Versilian locality.
The districts enter the field one at a time and perform in the center of the field with ”La scena” or
a rapresentation of a myth or a legend with plays of colors sheets and animals that rise in flight,
at the same time the ”Sfilata” it held at the edge of the field, Ladies, Knights, King and Queen, The pope, the Jesters
of court and the slaves parade with medieval clothes accompanied by drums and flag wavers.
The victory of the Palio however is not given by the scene from the parade and the
drums and flags, to which
they come awarded smaller prizesm but who wins the last race the Corsa dei Micci.
The corsa dei micci takes place at the end of the afternoon where the
districts will have to complete i six laps of the field on board of his own donkey to be able to win the Palio.