The festivals of the Palio di Pozzi
The festivals of the Palio di Pozzi will take place throughout the summer on different evenings depending
on the district.
The Palio dei Micci
The Palio dei Micci is an event that takes place every year on the first Sunday of May in which 8 districts
take place challenge to win the competition.
The Palio takes place with the parade in historical clothes of each district with flag-wavers and drummers
in tow, at the center of the stadium meanwhile takes place the scene, a reproduction of epic legends, to
which for each category will be awarded a prize.
At the end the real Palio will take place which unlike what happens in Siena which is run with the
horses, the districts of the Palio compete on board donkeys the district that will cross the finish line will be
the winner of the Palio.
The festivals
Even if the Palio takes place only on one day, the districts are active all year round with various events,
one of the the most anticipated are certainly the festivals, carefree evenings where the
local cuisine is the host.
We also find the classic dance floor with live music and at the end the classic bingo!
Each district carries out the festival in different periods so you will find it in any summer period
one of the festivals of the eight districts.
The main ingredient of all the festivals is obviously the typical Versilian product tordello,
each dish is prepared by the locals who take weeks to secure
everyone a mythical dish of Versilia tordelli.
The evenings are full of entertainment for both adults and children and are an excellent opportunity for
know the customs of the place.